It's been a minute that we've posted on our blog but we're definitely trying to ramp up and provide you with more updates and happenings with OFINA!

The past couple months have been a whirlwind of events and shows which are always a great opportunity to connect with customers and share our newest creations. This past weekend had us at home base, San Francisco with Thread Show at the Metreon. In case you weren't able to cruise by here's what you missed:
Fortunately the weather in SF was fabulous on event day. We always appreciate the something for everyone vibe from Thread Show (see the Man Cave?), live models, awesome music and keeping the beer and wine flowing.
Now on to the piece de resistance, OFINA! We love hearing the comments as folks came by and shopped, "Look, this one you could use everyday!" "This one is a little funky!" "I like how this has just enough edge."

We've gotten some great feedback on our new rings, check them out!

Thanks again to everyone who came and supported OFINA at Thread Show! Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook!
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