As we prepare for our next event this weekend at the Silverlake Jubilee, just wanted to share some shots from UniqueLA a couple weeks ago.
One of the coolest things about OFINA at events is the time we get to spend with other designer/friends! Like my friend of four years, Amy Kathryn shown here with her eco-friendly line of handbags!

There were also some great finds (shown clockwise from rt) from:
- Amy Tangerine - Whose patchwork tees I fell in love with, especially the "I heart SF" one!
- Kauzbots - My neighbor at UniqueLA creates these delightful robots who are committed to a cause! Each robot purchased Kauzbots donates a percentage of the sale to the cause. I bought a 'bot for my niece with monies going to pediatric cancer.
- Ex Libris Anonymous - Painstakingly scours the world in search of good looking (mostly vintage) hardcover books. These are then lovingly deconstructed, pages from the text retained, and the whole book is rebounded, as thoughtful, inexpensive, one of a kind journals, sweet! Loved how their booth was covered with old library checkout cards!!

Lastly, Truck Stop Envy where I purchased their LA tank! Love this tank because it represents the Angeleno in me and my love of music! If you look real close, you can see the "LA" letters are made from concert tix, very cool!
Loving all the creativity that is out there these days! Particularly loving our customers who came through and copped these finds!